The following day I headed for the Crazy Horse memorial which honors the Native American people. It was begun by Korczak Ziolkowski and has been continued by his wife and 10 children after his death. The site, which is privately supported, also includes a museum, cultural and education center and restaurant. It's huge, the faces from Mt. Rushmore would fit into the head. Several artisans were also there with hand-made crafts. I'm going to regret not buying those earrings.
Went back to Mt. Rushmore thru the "eye and ear poppin' Wild Mouse" ride thru the Peter Norbeck drive. 10, 15 & 20 mph hairpin and pigtail turns. No railings. When an engineer asked if it could be built, said all he needed was plenty of dynamite! It was quite a thrill and found out Patience is great on the curves.

Off the Spearfish thru Spearfish Canyon. It was spectacular. Just when I thought I was going to run into a 200' wall, the road would make a sharp turn. Paid my respects to Wild Bill and Calamity Jane in Deadwood. The reality of their lives is quite a bit different from the Doris Day & Howard Keel rendition. However, Calamity did get her wish to be buried next to him.
Had a bit of a scare when leaving Lead. Pulled off to the side of the road to take a picture and heard a scraping noise from Patience's tummy. When I stopped for gas, saw a green liquid on the pavement. Thought coolant so stopped at a auto repair place on the road. Turns out Patience's coolant is PINK. The mechanic refused to take anything for checking her out. That's something else I want to mention. I've stayed off the interstate and stuck to the back roads so I've gotten to see lots of lovely small towns. People have been so kind and helpful with directions, recommendations, anything I need to know. Food has also been outstanding. Had the best BLT with home-grown tomatoes, smokey bacon and thick whole wheat bread at Cindy B's and home-made rhubarb pie at Penny's (from her garden).
A little more Wyoming, then Nebraska and a more extensive stay in Colorado.